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Arcadian Consulting Pty Ltd was founded in 2012 by social worker Julianne Morrissey upon the principle that all families, no matter where they live, should be able to receive quality social work services from qualified, ethical and respectful professionals. While Arcadian Consulting has provided therapeutic services in the past, our focus and key work in 2022 involves OoHC assessments including carer reviews, new carer assessments, relative kin carer assessments, guardianship assessments and parenting capacity/ restoration assessments throughout NSW and interstate. We continue to have a particular commitment to working in regional, rural and remote NSW and we have Aboriginal assessors and consultants available tp complete and consult in relation to assessments involving Aboriginal children and families.
our story
Arcadian Consulting specialises in OoHC care assessments, and we take pride in completing all assessments to a high standard, reflective of our consultants’ professional expertise, with all assessments undergoing quality assurance processes including peer review, and Aboriginal consultation (for assessments including Aboriginal families, children and/or carers). Arcadian takes a strength-based approach to assessment and seeks transparency in all aspects of our work. Arcadian accepts referrals from OoHC and Child Protection agencies across Australia, with assessors located across NSW who are willing to travel throughout Australia.
what we do
Arcadian Consulting Team Leader and Senior Aboriginal Consultant
our values
Arcadian Consulting is committed to the three core values of the social work profession, as stipulated by the Australian Association of Social Workers in the Code of Ethics (2010):
Respect for Persons:
Acting with due consideration of each person’s rights, experiences, culture and identity. Recognising and upholding each person’s inherent dignity, equal worth and autonomy.
Social Justice:
Opposing exclusion and disregard of all peoples, wherever and however they occur. Promoting and advocating for participation, fairness, protection and progressive change.
Professional Integrity:
Behaving with dignity, responsibility, empathy and transparency. Practicing from a base of contemporary knowledge and research, reflective self-awareness, collaboration and competence.
Arcadian Consulting is also committed to the following principles stated in the AASW Code of Ethics (2010) Preamble to:
‘acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the First Australians, whose lands, winds and waters we now share, and pay respect to their unique values, and their continuing and enduring cultures which deepen and enrich the life of our nation and communities’, and;
‘acknowledge and understand the historical and contemporary disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the implication of this for social work practice'.
Julianne Morrissey
Julianne completed a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Queensland in 1981. Julianne has a decade of experience in statutory child protection within a broad range of roles, including Caseworker, Manager Client Services, Manager Casework, and Co-facilitator Professional Supervision. Whilst employed in statutory child protection, Julianne worked in communities across the Western and Far Western NSW region, including Dubbo, Nyngan, Bourke, Walgett and Coonabarabran. Julianne has also worked within the Child Protection and OOHC field providing therapeutic services to children and families across the Greater Western Region. In this role, Julianne engaged in counselling, supervised counsellors and was responsible for Child Protection in the Macquarie Area Health Service.
Julianne completed a Master of Social Work in the fields of Child Protection and Professional Supervision at Monash University in 2007. Julianne went on to lecture in social work at Charles Sturt University between 2012 and 2015. In this role, Julianne taught a variety of subjects, supervised students and field educators during student placements, and facilitated sessions on professional supervision.
In 2012, Julianne founded Arcadian Consulting to provide independent, quality services to people living in under-resourced areas in rural and remote NSW. Julianne’s social work identity and values are at the core of Arcadian Consulting, establishing a foundation of social justice and commitment to professional expertise that is carried into all the work Arcadian undertakes. Today, Arcadian Consulting provides quality assessment, training, and therapeutic services to rural, remote and metropolitan regions across Australia.
“I believe in helping families to care for their children and,
if that’s not possible, ensuring that children and safe and connected”.
our services
Arcadian Consulting takes pride in completing all assessments to a high standard, reflective of our consultants’ professional expertise, with all assessments undergoing processes of collaboration, reflection, review, and Aboriginal consultation (for assessments including Aboriginal families, children and/or carers).
All assessments referred to Arcadian Consulting are reviewed and matched to an available, qualified consultant with the experience, skills and knowledge required according to the complexity of the assessment.
Arcadian Consulting will provide a quote with timeframe upon receipt of a written referral form requesting an assessment and a quote is usually provided within 24 hours.
The following assessments are suitable for referral:
- Kinship Carer assessments
- New Carer assessments
- Guardianship assessments
- Carer reviews
- Complex carer reviews
- Aboriginal assessments and consultation
- Parenting capacity assessments
- Restoration assessments
- Other- please contact us to ask about any other assessment you require.
- Arcadian Assessors/ Consultants can provide Shared Lives training for new carer applicants and for Rel Kin Carers.
- We can also deliver the DCJ Initial Relative Kinship Carer training package to Rel Kin Carer Applicants as part of the assessment process.
contact us
If you wish to make a referral, please complete the Referral Form via the following link:
(02) 5806 5601
postal address:
PO Box 428, Coonabarabran, NSW 2357
Keith Hinton
Keith has been a key member of the Arcadian Consulting Team since 2012 acting as Aboriginal Consultant and Assessor. He is a respected and proud Gamillaroi man with a career spanning over two decades in the Child Protection and OOHC field as an Aboriginal Manager Casework and Caseworker. Keith has extensive experience as an Aboriginal Manager Casework with Family and Community Services (FaCS) and has worked extensively across the Western region, covering communities such as Dubbo, Walgett, Coonamble and Bourke. Keith also has experience in Early Intervention, having managed the Brighter Futures (early intervention) program for its five-year duration.
Prior to stepping into the Child Protection/OOHC field, Keith taught Aboriginal art to students from across Australia at the Warrumbungle Education Centre.
Keith brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Arcadian, with his special areas of expertise being Child Protection and OOHC legislation and Early Intervention. Keith has been a part of Arcadian since its conception six years ago and continues to provide his expert services.
Aboriginal Consultant
"My passion is ensuring children are safe and cared for. I don't want the things that happened in the past to happen for our kids today”.